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Generating value and driving
business with quality,
focus and innovation.


Assis Advocacia is recognized for its excellence in providing legal services in Business Law, providing all the necessary support to small, medium, and large companies, and its relations are always based on ethics and commitment.


With a nationally recognized experience in the area and the multidisciplinary support of the companies and professionals of the Assist Group, Assis Advocacia is prepared to offer the most complete results within the tax legislation.

Acting in the consultative and litigious legal assistance customized to the needs and segment of each company, in obtaining and/or taking advantage of tax incentives, reviews, transactions, refunds and recovery of taxes, challenge of undue requirements, defense in judicial and administrative claims before the Union, States and Municipalities.

With extensive experience in Customs Law and renowned expertise in foreign trade, Assis Advocacia has specialized professionals dedicated to offering the best strategies for the success of import and export operations, always focusing on tax and logistical gains and risk reduction.

To this end, in addition to its expertise in the consulting area in Foreign Trade, the firm meets the various demands arising from the relationship between Customs and its administrators, especially those related to the obstacles related to the release of retained cargo, administrative delays for customs clearance, tax benefits, sanitary and phytosanitary measures, as well as in demands related to administrative defenses and legal actions aimed at removing illegitimate charges.

With highly specialized professionals in the area, we act in the advisory format for matters related to Digital Law and Data Protection, through risk mapping and liability assessment, as well as in the implementation of programs for adequacy and compliance with the General Law of Data Protection and with the preparation and reformulation of administrative and contractual documents, internal regulations, terms of consent and privacy policy and data use governance.

We also work on training and lectures to raise awareness and implement the pertinent measures in the organizational culture, as well as consulting and advisory services in crisis management.

We act in the structuring of business in contractual and corporate matters, as well as merger, acquisition and incorporation projects.

With a specialized team and remarkable experience in the business field, we work with advisory and drafting of articles of incorporation, incorporation of companies, agreements between partners, due diligence, SPA (share purchase agreement), actions before CADE, alliance and joint-venture agreements, incorporation and licensing, legal audits, consulting and technical opinions to assist in decision making and negotiation in meetings, assemblies, and agreements.

We provide complete assistance and consultancy in the labor area to companies, acting before the Labor Court and administrative agencies in all jurisdictional levels, in addition to providing support in union issues and in legal claims involving social security law, always seeking the best solutions.

We also add our strategic business vision to reach the most assertive alternatives and the most effective measures, acting preventively with consulting, auditing, and labor compliance, besides offering training and lectures for implementation in the organizational culture, with the purpose of reducing litigation that imply costs and losses to companies, making their maintenance feasible and contributing to their development.

Our commercial and contractual area provides advisory and consulting services, as well as negotiation support to ensure the best performance in contractual relations.

Because we count on specialists from the most diverse areas in our team, we develop complete evaluations that are applicable from the elaboration of the evaluation to any discussions related to contracts.

We act in risk assessment, in the preparation of technical opinions, in the elaboration of drafts, in the termination and contractual review, extrajudicially or judicially, with the follow-up of negotiations, litigation defense, mediation, and arbitration.

Through negotiation, corporate law practice is exercised in order to understand the business needs in face of market demands, working on managerial alternatives, interest defenses, support to negotiations, and litigation management.

Qualified as a personalized legal support, this performance allows the identification of the most adequate solutions to daily problems, cost optimization, viability of new investments, and a safe growth.

Our expertise also consists in identifying faster and less costly solutions, using extrajudicial, negotiation, consulting and interest composition practices. Because we have a specialized team, we are able to define the best strategies, among negotiating and extrajudicial solutions, without prejudice to the best performance in litigation, always aiming to obtain the most effective results.

In the regulatory field, our professionals meet the demands involving the Federal Government, States, and Municipalities, both in consultancy and in litigation, in matters involving the most diverse direct and indirect Public Administration bodies.

Our consulting consists in offering support to obtain licenses from the Public Administration, prepare legal opinions and technical opinions, and promote corporate governance and compliance measures.

In litigation, we act in administrative and judicial proceedings with a focus on defense in infraction notices, civil inquiries and public civil actions, indemnity actions, tax foreclosure, filing of nullity actions, emergency and precautionary measures.

Our family and inheritance area works together with our specialists in corporate and tax law to develop a complete and effective planning for estate, succession, and inheritance management.

We provide assistance and consulting services for the preparation of drafts for public deeds, wills, corporate structuring, prenuptial agreements, change of property system, out-of-court settlements, and consensual resolution lawsuits.

We represent companies in arbitration courts in Brazil and abroad, in addition to preventive work to reduce litigation and the use of arbitration in agreements to compose interests.


With a team composed of specialists from various areas, especially contractual, corporate, and arbitration, we offer support for business transactions and drafting and reviewing arbitration, settlement, and dispute resolution clauses.


International Trade
Electrical & Electronic
Food Industry
Pharmaceutical Industry
Chemical Industry

Multi-specialized Nuclei

The repercussions of corporate integrity have been reaching an increasingly wider scope, reinforcing the need for careful work of adequacy, compliance, and prevention in the most diverse disciplines, which include: anti-corruption, tax and regulatory, data protection, and labor.

The implementation of Compliance provides greater legal security to operations, protecting companies from a series of legal implications consisting of fines, public disclosure of infractions, and civil, administrative, and criminal penalties. It also aims to protect one of the company’s most important assets: its reputation.

The core is composed of professionals from the most diverse legal areas to develop actions and programs directed by subject matter, or with the complete integration of degrees, adapting their actions to the needs of each company.


Compliance and Data Governance

a) Initial Diagnosis and definition of the Governance model;
b) Communicational definitions of the program, assessment of technical requirements, and key stakeholders;
c) Review of contracts, policies, and notices regarding privacy, site, and cookies, with the establishment of rules compatible with the program developed;
d) Guidelines for business communication alignment and integration of information security policies and practices;
e) Data mapping, internal processes, and analysis of the product and service contract chain with regard to data;
f) Preparation of specific documents such as Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) and Legitimate Interest Assessment (LIA);
g) Training and workshops focused on management and employees.

Tax and Regulatory Compliance
a) Review of the accounting and fiscal procedures adopted by the company in the determination and collection of taxes;
b) Clarification of doubts and procedural adjustments, in the parameterization of systems and bookkeeping to the most correct legal interpretation;
c) Legal and fiscal guidance to solve irregularities and optimize future procedures, through consultation, technical and legal opinion;
d) Proposition of judicial and administrative measures for the adequacy and regularity of the procedures.

Labor Compliance
a) Assistance in conducting labor audits;
b) Elaboration and analysis of labor contracts, agreements, and collective conventions;
c) Preventive advice to Human Resources departments and in the development of people management policies;
d) Preventive advice and legal guidance for regulatory inspections;
e) Analysis and recommendations in the development of affirmative policies and people management practices, inclusive and non-discriminatory, and others related to ESG;
f) Implementation of the Code of Conduct and indication of administrative routines;
g) Training and workshops focused on management and employees.

The ESG and Corporate Governance core is formed by specialists from various areas with multidisciplinary support to provide the necessary support to the entrepreneur in implementing and maintaining sustainable, social, and affirmative practices in the areas of labor, data protection, contracts, Energy Law, and corporate governance, investing in all the caution that is indispensable for the company’s reputation and helping it to obtain an advantageous position from the stakeholders’ perspective.

The goal of Assis Advocacia is to offer complete and customized solutions, meeting the needs of each company and making it uncomplicated to implement these practices in organizational structures.

To this end, we divide our activities into adequacy measures, prevention and planning, and crisis management, distributed among tax, fiscal, and regulatory solutions, people and labor management, ethics and integrity, contracts and commercial relations, corporate reputation management, and data governance and protection.


a) Previous guidance in the elaboration of Policies, Code of Conduct and Terms in matters of social-environmental responsibility, affirmative policies and data privacy;
b) Contractual and antitrust adequacy and due diligence, aiming at the insertion of clauses pertinent to the established governance policies, avoiding risks arising from third-party reflexes;
c) Checking and managing supply chain contracts, aiming at maintaining relationships in compliance with governance criteria;
d) Risk assessment and legal opinion aimed at guiding work practices and adjustments to equitable inclusion, diversity, and non-discriminatory social measures;
e) Advisory support in decision making for actions and campaigns with marketing legal matching to governance policies.

Prevention and Planning

a) Implementation of regulatory, tax, data, labor, and contractual compliance in a customized manner to the business activity, aiming at the effectiveness of the measures adopted;
b) Support in litigation management for legal departments with the adoption of pre- and post-litigation procedures, for the prevention of lawsuits or the definition of strategies integrating the composition and solution of conflicts, aiming at the fastest and least expensive results;
c) Expertise in Energy Law and deep knowledge of the regulatory rules applicable to the electricity sector, for the implementation of actions focused on distributed generation, obtaining tax benefits, support in structuring business and projects of sustainability and renewable energy;
d) Financial, tax, legal, and reputational risk assessment for investments;
e) Support in planning and structuring businesses focused on social entrepreneurship and helping the community;
f) Integrity in international commercial relations, with adjustment of activities and contracts to the national and foreign legislation.

Crisis Management

a) Defense in legal and administrative proceedings and filing of pertinent legal measures to manage and control the consequences of crises, publicizing infractions, and the press;
b) Definition of an aligned and coherent response with legal backing for all the affected vehicles and audiences;
c) Legal guidance on legal, civil, and administrative liability for the actions of the company and its managers;
d) Readjustment of Policies and implementation of the Code of Conduct, with the preparation of pertinent documents, indication of administrative routines, and training focused on management and employees as a way to correct and prevent new crises of the same origin.

With broad experience and specialized performance in the area, Assis Advocacia assists companies in the best solutions to the complex challenges imposed by the Brazilian tax system.

By keeping a constant focus on the main themes, normative updates, and judgments that enable more beneficial conditions to the taxpayer, and by submitting to totally customized analyses that allow the best adaptation to the sectors and reality of each company, the work is developed aiming to provide more legal security and sustainability to business.

With multi-specialized composition, the Tax Planning and Tax Recovery department is composed of professionals qualified to elaborate the best strategies, involving the handling of issues related to the corporate, contractual, foreign trade, labor, and regulatory areas, in addition to multidisciplinary support in the tax and customs areas, with a team with vast knowledge, able to develop a complete and safe planning, focused on compliance and use of legal advantages.

We act in the advisory and litigation modality, in the Municipal, State, and Federal spheres, with diagnostic analysis for the identification of revenues and remediation of irregularities, as well as with the entry of the pertinent judicial measures, relying on a wide repertoire of theses.

The work developed by the Tax Planning and Tax Recovery department includes, among other services:

a) Fiscal Compliance and review of accounting and fiscal procedures adopted by the company in the determination and collection of taxes;
b) Clarification of doubts and procedural adjustments, in the parameterization of systems and bookkeeping to the most correct legal interpretation;
c) Detection of possibly unused amounts and amounts unduly paid;
d) Proposition of appropriate legal measures to obtain eventual credits and reimbursements;
e) Legal and fiscal guidance to solve irregularities and optimize future procedures, through consultation, technical and legal opinion;
f) Regulatory and tax analysis of financial procedures – investments, capital markets, infrastructure -, corporate – mergers and acquisitions, corporate and estate planning – and digital market – cryptoactive, NFTs and e-commerce;
g) Regulatory analysis, guidance, and advice on the tax classification of goods, with the support of classificatory intelligence software, Classist;

Mission, Vision and Values

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀  Committed to the mission of generating value and driving business with ethics and responsibility, we work according to the values that underpin a long journey of trusting relationships. ᅠ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Expertise, Markets and Performance

Constant qualification, specialization, multidisciplinary support, and focus on innovation! We offer comprehensive legal and business support, serving the most diverse sectors of industry and commerce with appropriate solutions to the demands of the corporate world aiming at the client's success.
