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- Founder's words

"I took the initiative of founding ASSIS ADVOCACIA in 1997, as I realized the great need among companies to obtain legal support with security, technical quality and personalized service. With the robust and solid tradition that my wife, Hilda Souza de Assis, and valued partners and collaborators had built with advisory and consulting services in the tax and corporate areas, ASSIS ADVOCACIA was born strong, with a valuable image perceived by the market. Following a trajectory of integrated performance and serious work, with the support of the ASSIST GROUP's solutions, the partnership has not stopped growing and innovating, having as its high point the impulse of its son Milton Carmo de Assis Junior, in 2002".

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Milton Carmo de Assis

Founder and Partner

Post-graduate lawyer in Tax Law from PUC / SP. Bachelor in Philosophy, Literature and Law. Tax Revisor of the Federal Revenue. Twenty (20) years in the Federal Revenue of Brazil in Campinas - State of São Paulo Federal. Former teacher at the School of Tax Administration (ESAF) and courses at the Federal Revenue all over the country in Tax on Industrialized Products (IPI) and fiscal auditing, and for companies, including Fiscal Classification of Goods.

Milton Carmo de Assis Junior

Managing Partner

Lawyer and Master in Tax Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP), the partner Milton Carmo de Assis Júnior is a Judge in the Trial Chambers of the COURT OF TAXES AND TAXATION (TIT) and author of the book: "Classificação Fiscal de Mercadoria - NCM/SH: seus reflexos no direito tributário" (Merchandise Tax Classification - NCM/SH: its reflexes on tax law). He has more than 20 years of experience in law and consulting in corporate and tax matters, acting in the defense of theses of interest to companies and taxpayers, as well as in the prevention of litigation and development of legal solutions. With extensive knowledge in Energy and Renewable Energy Law, he is active in the implementation of actions focused on energy, distributed generation and other sustainability issues and their tax and commercial ramifications. With Assis Advocacia, he has been providing relevant services in dispute resolution and strategic legal advice to medium and large companies.

Milton Carmo de Assis Junior

Lawyer graduated from the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas – PUCC, Specialist in Tax Law also from PUCC. Active in judicial and administrative litigation, at the federal, state and municipal levels, in addition to experience in the field of Corporate Law.

Lawyer graduated from the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas. Postgraduate in Labor Law and Process from the Escola Superior de Direito. Proficient in Innovation and Digital Transformation by P-LAB Professional and Corporate Development. Postgraduate in Data Protection and Digital Compliance from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. Postgraduate student in Business Management at Centro Universitário Celso Lisboa in partnership with Business Behavior Institute of Chicago. Postgraduate student in Business Law at Fundação Getúlio Vargas. Extensive experience in the consultancy, contractual and litigation spheres in the civil, business, corporate and labor areas. Advanced English.


Lawyer graduated from the University of Uberaba – UNIUBE. Specialist in Tax Law from the Brazilian Institute of Tax Studies – IBET; postgraduate student in Customs Law at Universidade Santa Cecília – UNISANTA, with extensive experience in the litigation sphere, preventive and repressive, administrative or judicial demands. Advanced English.

Lawyer graduated from Faculdade Anhanguera de Campinas, specialized in Tax Law from the Brazilian Institute of Tax Studies – IBET, Graduated in Accounting Sciences from PUCC-Campinas and Accounting Technician from Centro Paula Souza. Active in the area of ​​tax consultancy and judicial and administrative tax litigation, at the federal, state and municipal levels. English and Spanish.

Lawyer graduated from Faculdade Veris IBTA Metrocamp – IBMEC Group. Postgraduate in Civil Law, Civil Procedure and Family from ESAMC and Postgraduate in Labor Law and Process from ESD – Escola Superior de Direito. Extensive experience in the civil, labor and business areas, with litigation and consultancy work.
