Com mais de 24 anos de performance jurídica, atendendo desde pequenas e médias empresas a grandes players do mercado, proporciona suporte jurídico especializado com apoio multidisciplinar de alto nível técnico. Dispõe de profissionais altamente qualificados, comprometidos com a busca das mais completas e inovadoras soluções com foco na agilidade, efetividade e geração de valor no atendimento aos clientes.
With over 24 years of legal performance, serving from small and medium-sized companies to major players in the market, it provides specialized legal support with multidisciplinary support of high technical level. It has highly qualified professionals committed to the search for the most complete and innovative solutions with a focus on agility, effectiveness, and value generation in client service.
With a history based on relationships of trust and value creation for its clients, Assis Advocacia has built a strong tradition in the corporate world. The vast experience in supporting companies in the most diverse segments has provided us with the necessary business vision to go beyond jurisdictional services and also in the management of litigation, with high performance and agility in the development of legal solutions.
We see our clients' projects as our cause. That is why we constantly work on the development of tools and the improvement of our team to better conduct our work. The effective practice of this business vision has provided Assis Advocacia with an outstanding position within a competitive scenario.
With a structure of comprehensive services and totally focused on B2B services, we also outsource companies' legal departments, enabling cost optimization and better results. For this, we count on a team composed of specialized professionals concerned with a life long learning qualification, with specialized performance by areas and trained for a strategic vision.
With this vision, focused on tradition, trust, and value creation for our clients, we have conducted our trajectory with high quality and committed services.
Based on this trajectory, we have established the pillars to trace our goals for the future.